Frau Meier von der B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH,
Herr Heuer vom Umwelt- und Planungsamt Kreis Steinfurt,
Herr Holterhues von der Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt
mbH and Herr Hoffschroer von der Wirtschaftsvereinigung Steinfurt e.V.,
have visited us to check whether we have achieved all the targets for the Ecoprofit seal.
This certification is intended to encourage companies, to increase their contribution to environmental protection by, for example, using resources more sparingly, improving the structural situation or dispensing with environmentally more harmful chemicals.

After a thorough stocktaking at the beginning, targets were set, which were then to be implemented within a specified period of about one year.
The ECOPROFIT project supports its participants individually and comprehensively in the implementation of all measures.
The project manager Marcel Kappen, together with the environmental team of Ossenberg GmbH (Carsten Diekmann, CEO and Marc Breulman, Purchasing), ensured an appropriate, organizational implementation and documentation of the execution.
The project started with energy savings by switching to more economical LED lighting, installing motion detectors everywhere to save electricity and installing a photovoltaic system on the production hall.
In addition, the option of leasing a job bike and charging the e-car at charging stations has been created.
New, more efficient compressors were purchased for production and a compressed air management system was introduced.
Employees were also trained and motivated to increase their environmental awareness.
At the moment, work is continuing on using the exhaust air from production for space heating and on optimizing cooling. In addition, another photovoltaic system is being planned for the administration building.
We are also actively pushing ahead with paperless production.
All the green areas around the production and administration buildings, are also to be used for biodiversity.
If a beekeeper is still interested in placing a colony of bees on the premises here, he/she is welcome to get in touch.
And now the best at the end:
We have passed the audit “Ökoprofit Kreis Steinfurt”!
Currently we are still planning to use the structure, created by Ökoprofit and introduce the environmental management according to ISO 14001.
In addition, the costs will be amrotized to a large extent on average after approx. 1.5 years, by the exhaustion of the saving potentials already and will permanently also reduce our operating costs.