Current corona position


Procedure and protective measures with regard to the Corona Virus –
Ensuring the ability to deliver


Dear customers and business partners,

we have all been following the increasing spread of the corona virus intensively in recent weeks. To reduce the risk of infection and to ensure the ability to deliver, we have taken precautions and measures at an early stage.

  • Some employees have been equipped with appropriate hardware and software and work from their home office. Important: For you everything remains unchanged by this measure. We continue to offer you our service undiminished. Your contact persons can be reached under the known contact data.
  • We have also made a spatial separation between the office building and our production. In the event of an official quarantine order, we thus ensure the smooth running of our business processes.
  • We have also separated shift operations within production so that there are no encounters between the individual shifts.
  • Our employees were informed about the necessary hygiene measures. This also applies to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute.
  • In order to prevent a possible risk of infection, we have reduced our personal business contacts in-house to a necessary minimum. Instead, communication will take place via telephone, video conferencing or in written form.

This is to assure you that the availability of our products is fully guaranteed. The security of supply of our production with raw materials and production materials will also be ensured in the foreseeable future, as our sources of supply are mainly located in Germany and other European countries.

We would like to thank you for the good and trustworthy cooperation and stand by your side.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Best regards from Rheine

Carsten Diekmann

managing director

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